Quality Magento Developers Can Make a Quantified Difference

The need or quality developers for a Magento project cannot be overstated. For what it's worth, any Magento project requires skilled professionals who have the wherewithal to leverage the most out of the platform and boil the web solutions with sleek features so that the final product is pitched for maximum user satisfaction.

Ensuring rich user experience is the key to success on eCommerce, or for that matter, for any business endeavor. And when you have the skilled personnel with you, achieving this becomes all the more easier.

When it comes to Magento development, there is an elevated need to get the best talent on board since you are dealing with a complicated setup of codes and files that need expert insights. The programmers with a clarity of concepts and the logic required for a project would be more equipped to contribute in a manner most productive. When you are out there scouting for developers, it is apparent that you filter your options in terms of the expertise and qualification you have on your behest.

With a lack of expertise, the project is likely to go kaput, and experience is arguably the biggest contributor to the Magento development skills. Folks with experience in developing large scale Magento projects know how to deal with a certain set of requirements and challenges that might crop up during the course of development. That said, you can't take it for granted that a particular developer with years of experience backing him or her is highly skilled. You need to carefully assess their skills to be absolutely sure what you are getting into. Scrounging for quality solutions is not a pretty prospect, and only a talented developer can get them developed seamlessly for you.

Now, when it comes to the places to look for when hiring developers, you obviously have the option of advertising the vacancies on the job portals on the web or in the newspapers. However, that process proves to be expensive and you have an unwantedly large array of choices at your behest. Filtering quality from them becomes too hard and this is where you need a way that facilitates easy scanning of individuals and getting an assurance that the developer you hire can provide quality and unrivalled standards of feature sophistication. And here, forums and developer communities prove to be of a great use, since it is these communities that are filled with the developers of the highest order. The programmers in these communities are those who already have invested years in programming and even the beginners include those who are serious about their profession and are continually striving to be the most reliable developers around. Check out the portfolios of developers you deem interesting enough and get a comprehensive idea to determine I they are fit for your project. If you have a reasonably big budget, you can afford the most sought-after developers and aim for large scale Magento development so that your eCommerce website can inculcate more and more features for the users' consideration.

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Why YII Framework is So Much In Among PHP Developers

YII, acronym for “yes it is” and popularly know as “Yee”, is an open-source, component-based PHP framework designed for developing high-end web based applications. This power-packed platform is sought-after among PHP developers, the reason being- it is fast, it has high-quality structure, and it's productive. The framework is versatile enough to build almost all types of applications, and gives an added edge to online portals or websites which include forums.

YII framework comes complete with a host of robust features such as DAO, integrated MVC structure, jQuery integration, scaffolding, theming, authentication and much more, making this platform all the more dynamic and powerful. Additionally, the framework is flexible and extremely easy to use, resulting in reduced learning curve and maximum output.

What are the Major Advantages of Using YII Framework

1. Simplicity of Source Code

One of the major benefits of using YII is that it is extremely easy to understand. The framework has a very easy-to-follow source code that's quite comprehensive for people with little programming skills. You don't need to get puzzled or feel jittery to decode the structure code or develop deep familiarity with codings. With YII everything comes easy and fast.

2. High-end Security

The growth of dynamic websites has also increased the growth of security threats, and if owners fell into the trap of hackers, sleepless nights are in order. But with YII, there is nothing to feel worry about. The framework comes with an integrated authentication and authorization features, which are super easy to follow, and make modifications fast.

With YII, several authentication functions can be performed such as:

  • You can check whether the user has logged out or not after log in the site
  • Can restrict or extend the power of users in accessing a particular function
  • You can create any unique proof of identification and related details about the users, thereby making it easy to identify the authentic users of your site. 

3. Easy Social Media Module Integration

The YII framework gives its users a well-developed API support, thereby making it easy for them to integrate social media modules to their website in a hassle-free manner. This way, you can make your website clickable over several social media networks and expand your reach.

4. Extensions Give it an Upper-edge

YII framework comes with a myriad of powerful extensions which can positively influence the fortunes of your website and make your business grow. These extensions can be used to improve the functionality of the website or web applications and help in saving precious time and effort, which would otherwise have got wasted in applying testing processes.

5. Effective Debbuging of Errors

Errors can drastically reduce the potentials of your project, and finding bugs can give you stress during the process of project development. Thanks to YII, which makes debugging of errors extremely easy and secure. YII offers several debuggers that can be used to take care of errors, irrespective of the size and complexities involved.

PHP is still a growing platform, and a framework like YII adds an added advantage to this platform. With its dynamic set of functions and features, YII takes care of every project need and demand as and when they arrive.

A Comparitive Overview Between .Net and PHP

There are several programming languages out there used by developers for working on web designing and application projects. Out of all of them .Net and PHP are the most sought-after scripting languages that have actually ushered the change in the way projects were done and accomplished before. And, it's quite difficult to compare these two technological “titans” because both of them are best in their own category.

PHP acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor is a popular scripting language available on the internet used by millions of dedicated developers for developing web based applications. On the other hand, ASP.Net (Active Server Pages) is a platform that can be used as an environment for building applications. Both of them are equally good in terms of application building and contracting to different databases. However, many people have to make choice either to go for PHP or asp.net. And for this, the comparison between the two becomes an important topic of discussion.

So, which is one better? In this article, we'll give you a comparison overview of both of the platforms and will tell you for which one you should go for.

1. PHP Vs .Net- Cost

PHP is an open source and it's absolutely free, .Net is backed by Microsoft then it's pretty natural that some cost must be involved. To run .Net, you need to have Microsoft Windows, however, this shouldn't be the problem for most of the people. And even if you are using Mac or Linux, then mono project is probably a good choice to use asp.net on your device.

On the other hand, PHP can be registered for free and can be used on multiple operating systems suhc as Linux, Windows, Mac etc.

2. PHP Vs. Net- Scalability

Both of the platforms are good when it comes to scalability. Facebook, which is highly popular and trafficked website is built on PHP, while MySpace, yet another social networking site is built on .Net. This clearly shows them both of them are scalable.

3.  PHP Vs .Net- Performance

How a web application performs depend largly upon how effectively it interacts between the scripts, database, and the server. Since, PHP is an interpreted language, it allows developers to run it directly from the code whenever they start working on it. On the other hand, .net is a complicated language, where you need to first compile the language  before uploading it to productivity.

Another factor that affects the performance is the type of OS and file used on the server. Results show that Linux and est4 file system are better in terms of performance as compared to Windows and NTFS file system. So, it's clear that PHP is better in performance parameters.

4. PHP vs .NET- Support

Since, PHP is an open-source and it's free, it's quite natural for it to have a huge community of developers who constantly work hard to contribute to its growth. The open-source community is also very helpful for those developers who are new to this field.

ASP.NET, on the other hand, also have a variety of boards run be dedicated .NET developers, but still the number is not as impressive as PHP.

From the above mentioned points it's quite clear that the tide is heavily tilted in the favor of  PHP. However, whatever platform you may choose, it's crucial to select the one, which can serve your requirements better and helps in achieving your development goals.

4 Major Steps to Implement a Plan to Recover From the Aftermath of Disaster

Disasters are inevitable. Over the years, eruption of earthquakes have made companies realize how quickly their business can come to a standstill, by emergencies that are difficult to predict and hard to recover. However, we can take a sigh of relief as natural calamities usually occurs less frequently. But unexpected can happen and you may have to deal with the havoc created by any natural disaster.

A company's entire IT network can come to a halt or rather get destroyed completely because of a calamity – be it due to some tectonic failure, or a in case a building catches fire and so on. But for the major IT companies (if not all), the biggest risk that they face is not because of the damage of the property, but due to loss of data. This is why the IT firm owners should take up IT Consulting Services from a reputable company that provides them information on how they can recover from the disaster.

However, make sure that the company must put up a recovery plan into action do to tackle with the disaster. Here are a few basic steps that the consulting company must follow when implementing the recovery plan:

1. Setting Up a Predominanc Structur

First of all, at the time of implementing a recovery plan, a company usually takes into consideration technical as well as financial aspects, and thus, the company needs to form support. Now the support generally comes from two forms of committees. The first is a working committee that ought to contains stakeholders who deals in technical and financial aspects of the company's initiative. The second is an oversight committee that includes senior leaders who can handle the preceding internal impediments of the initiative.

2. Choosing an Experienced Partner

Relying upon an expert's way of looking at things to recover from the disaster and to ensure business continuity can approve the company's initiative – to heal from the loss they have incurred due to the disaster. Especially you should choose experts who can present you some good examples of how companies have set up a disaster recovery plan and even earned benefits from it.

3. Conduct a Business Impact Analysis

The consulting partner must develop a plan and strategy by preparing a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) – one of the major tactic that showcases how a calamity can affect the company's activities. The BIA eventually helps in identifying two goals such as RTO that is recovery time objective, and RPO also called as recovery point objective. And building strategies in order to accomplish the goals demands looking at the technological and financial considerations that can be addressed by the company with help of an expert partner.

4. Testing and Maintenance

An experienced partner can ensure the validity of the plan by testing it and providing additional consulting if the plan must be changed. Merely setting up and approving a plan for disaster recovery is not suffice. It does not provide any assurance whether the plan will work or not. So, to ascertain that the developed plan is workable, it needs to be tested and updated in order to devise better strategies to tackle with the calamities. So, make sure that your consulting partner tests the plan and keep it up-to-date.

Business ecosystem often needs to face unexpected disasters. But if an IT company lacks a plan to recover from the calamities, it is surely going to get doomed due to major loss of data. However, setting up a recovery plan beforehand can help disaster struck companies restore their activities quickly. However, in order to define such plan you may need help of a proficient managed services provider offering consulting services for the IT companies.

Read More: https://xicomtechreviews.wordpress.com/2014/08/01/aftermath-of-disaster-implement-your-plan-to-recovery/